Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Two Dentists, Two Poems

A friend was looking for a new dentist; could I recommend anyone? Why, that would be my own James Pizzi, DMD:

Your search for a dentist is easy.
The answer is Dr. Jim Pizzi.
He's not hard to talk to, now is he?
He answers to Dr. Jim Pizzi.

This sparked a challenge from someone else, who bet I couldn't make a rhyme out of her dentist, Barbara Preussner (rhymes with "choice-ner"), DMD:

Jen the hygienist has got the right touch,
She's working for Barbara Preussner.
Here is the reason I like her so much,
She soaks her hands nightly in moistener.

1 comment:

  1. Try Dr. Paskerian. (rhymes with flask-cherry-in)
